Monday, September 3, 2007

Today's Trials, Tomorrow's Triumphs

Isn't that the way it works? Today you struggle with something, so that tomorrow you know how to handle that situation. I think that in life you've got to learn to go with the flow. You've got to learn to trust #1 in yourself. KNOW who you are, and what's inside of you. And you've got to just jump in and run and not get stuck on the little things in life that try and hold you back. Why get worried and bothered and waste time thinking about insignificant things when you can be focusing on bigger and grander things? Be proactive! Heck, at least be active! Be a leader, don't wait on someone else's permission or validation to make a decision. God gave every single solitary person on this earth a thing inside their skull something called a brain to help you out with that. Use it. Don't abuse it. Don't waste it.

So, remember this. Today might be a pretty crappy day, full of traps and trips and falls, but tomorrow you will remember these things and you will triumph and you will PREVAIL!!!

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